possible until 5461


tom taol

sub ex()
n = 5462

ReDim aRnd(1 To n)
ReDim uniq(1 To n)

For i = 1 To n: aRnd(i) = i: Next

For i = n To 2 Step -1
k = Int(Rnd * i) + 1
n_cnt = n_cnt + 1
uniq(n_cnt) = aRnd(k)
aRnd(k) = aRnd(i)

uniq(n) = aRnd(1)
Range("b1:b" & n).Value = Application.Transpose(uniq)
end sub

why error?

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Tom Ogilvy

Faster and simpler than transposing or using Alan's code would be

sub ex()
n = 5462

ReDim aRnd(1 To n)
ReDim uniq(1 To n, 1 to 1)

For i = 1 To n: aRnd(i) = i: Next

For i = n To 2 Step -1
k = Int(Rnd * i) + 1
n_cnt = n_cnt + 1
uniq(n_cnt,1) = aRnd(k)
aRnd(k) = aRnd(i)

uniq(n,1) = aRnd(1)
Range("b1:b" & n).Value = uniq
end sub

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