Post correct day of week in A1 for each of 7 tabs that automatically corrects weekly.



How would i enter the first day of the week beginning with Monday based
on the current date.

For instance:
Todays date is 9/19/05
So my cells would read
Tab 1 A1= Monday 9/19
Tab 2 A1= Tuesday 9/20
Tab 3 A1= Wednesday 9/21
Tab 4 A1= Thursday 9/22
Tab 5 A1= Friday 9/23
Tab 6 A1= Saturday 9/24
Tab 7 A1= Sunday 9/25

Then when the xls is opened on Thursday (9/22) of the same week a1 of
each tab would still return the same results.

However when opened a couple weeks later on a Monday (10/03/05) the
tabs would automotically have the following in a1

Tab 1 A1= Monday 10/03
Tab 2 A1= Tuesday 10/04
Tab 3 A1= Wednesday 10/05
Tab 4 A1= Thursday 10/06
Tab 5 A1= Friday 10/07
Tab 6 A1= Saturday 10/08
Tab 7 A1= Sunday 10/09

There are only 7 tabs so the dates need to be relative to the current
date (or a calculation of current week..?)

Everything i try works until the date changes...

any help please


On your Tab 1 A1, use the following to return Monday's date:


Then for the other tabs, you can either link to this cell and add 1.

Let me know if that doesn't make sense.

Michael Cumming

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