Post-It type arrows on a Form



I want to add Post-It type arrows on a form that's a picture with text boxes,
to point out fields that must be completed. BUT, they MUST NOT PRINT when
the form is printed. Any ideas?


Here's a workaround that I know works in Word 2003.

1) Format Menu -> Styles and Formatting. Create a New Style, name it
Hidden, press Format -> Font and check Hidden.
2) Tools Menu -> Options -> View Tab and check View Hidden Text
3) Add your Auto Shape (post it note, arrow, et)
4) Select it and choose the style Hidden Text

I know this works for Word 2003. If the above steps aren’t clear enough
please let me know.



The work-around seemed to work OK in Word 2003, but the 2007 version gives
unexpected results. Hidden arrows are printed in unexpected places, and text
that should print does not. The style seems to correspond to a text line,
not a shape. Any other suggestions?


If the arrows were created using the AutoShapes tools & there are no other
graphics that *are* intended to print you can go to Tools> Options> Print &
remove the check for Drawing Objects.

HTH |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac


Unfortunately, the "form" is a pdf "snapshot" with text boxes added to be
able to fill in blank fields. Removing Drawing Objects prints a blenk page,
even the text in the text boxes doesn't print. Even so, thanks for the

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