The best I can suggest is again to compare baseline start and finish
with Actual Start and Actual Finish. The dependency relationships
you set during the planning phase remain in the plan, but the Actual
Start and Actual Finish can give you the order in which the tasks
were begun and finished.
However, I'm not sure that I would go so far as to say that the
order the tasks were actually completed is indicative of a true task
relationship. It may be that a particular task was more appealing
to a resource than another task which could have been started at the
same time.
To your question of when did a resource on a particular assignment
start, you'll need to get further detailed information such as the
information available through the Task Usage or Resource Usage view.
I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.
Project MVP
http://project.mvps.org/ for the FAQs and additional
information about Microsoft Project
"Shahriar Nour Khondokar"