Postal Codes and Input Mask


Al Finch

I want to print my address list on labels, and have
created a label based on a query to select only certain
names. An input mask has been used to properly display
the postal codes, but the mask does not work. It works in
my tables, queries, forms, and reports, except not in
labels. Can someone help?

Fons Ponsioen

Can you explain "mask does not work" What information
prints out, and is it only the formatting that is

Greg Kraushaar

Input Masks do not control display formatting
Try the format property instead

The rest of your request is not clear. A Label is simply a specialised
report, yet you say it works fine in reports.
If it doesn't show up in the Reports list, it is not a label.

Regards Greg Kraushaar
Wentworth Falls Australia
(Do not email - the reply address is a Spam spoofer)
(If you really must, remove all UCase and numbers)

Al Finch

For example, Zip Code 12345-6789 prints as 123456789.
This is happening even though the input mask is set to
print correctly, as shown in the first part of the
example, above. All information prints out; only the
formatting doesn't.

As I said before, the problem only occurs with labels.
The same input mask works properly for other reports,
tables, forms, and queries.


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