Michelle Beck. Keep. Of course. Michelle Beck was my cover: when a client ca
n rake in twelve million per film, an agent can't be faulted for wanting to
spend more time concentrating on that client. Also, flying under the radar o
r not, dropping Michelle after today's paycheck would be noticed by someone.
Michelle and I were bound together for life, or until she pulled a hissy fi
t and got new representation. If I didn't have her, I would be, as my father
liked to say, walking through a thick shag carpet of shit. The ambivalence
I felt about this fact was staggering in its depth.
That much was true. There were forty people on the set, mostly crew, ambling
around aimlessly. The cast seemed to be missing, with the exception of Chuc
k White, who played Rashaad Creek's best friend on the show. Chuck was worki
ng out on one of the set decorations.
The thing stopped short two feet in front of me and collected itself into a
compact Jell-O mold shape. A bowling ball-sized protuberance emerged from th
e top and launched itself up to eye level, supported by a stalk of goop. And
then it talked.
"Then Michelle will bankroll the entire eight million," I said. "Though I th
ink we should reasonably expect you to make the effort to line up other fina
ncing as well. But no matter what, you get the eight from Michelle if you ne
ed it. It's solid."
n rake in twelve million per film, an agent can't be faulted for wanting to
spend more time concentrating on that client. Also, flying under the radar o
r not, dropping Michelle after today's paycheck would be noticed by someone.
Michelle and I were bound together for life, or until she pulled a hissy fi
t and got new representation. If I didn't have her, I would be, as my father
liked to say, walking through a thick shag carpet of shit. The ambivalence
I felt about this fact was staggering in its depth.
That much was true. There were forty people on the set, mostly crew, ambling
around aimlessly. The cast seemed to be missing, with the exception of Chuc
k White, who played Rashaad Creek's best friend on the show. Chuck was worki
ng out on one of the set decorations.
The thing stopped short two feet in front of me and collected itself into a
compact Jell-O mold shape. A bowling ball-sized protuberance emerged from th
e top and launched itself up to eye level, supported by a stalk of goop. And
then it talked.
"Then Michelle will bankroll the entire eight million," I said. "Though I th
ink we should reasonably expect you to make the effort to line up other fina
ncing as well. But no matter what, you get the eight from Michelle if you ne
ed it. It's solid."