posting 20050827



Ducks: Duck seasons may be held between September 24, 2005, and January 29,
2006. In the High Plains Mallard Management Unit (roughly west of the 100th
Meridian), a 97-day season (39 days each for canvasbacks and pintails) is pr
oposed. The last 23 days may start no earlier than December 10, 2005. A 74-d
ay season (39 days each for canvasbacks and pintails) is proposed for the re
mainder of the Central Flyway. The proposed daily bag limit is six and may i
nclude no more than five mallards (two hens), two redheads, two scaup, two w
ood ducks, one mottled duck, one pintail, and one canvasback.
Chapter Seven
"83 million against twelve million is a bad bet any day, Brad. And that's no
t counting the money you're going to throw down the lawyer hole. Our lawyers
are on staff. We don't pay them any extra. And, of course, we're not even t
alking about the counter-suits we'll throw back at you for negligence and vi
olation of contract. Not to mention the other suits that will be filed again
st you by the studio and your other investors if you close down production.
Make no mistake, Brad, you're going to get fucked. You won't be able to sit
for a year."
"Just goes to show," I said.