posting 20050827



"I'm guessing that light's not supposed to be on the set," I said.
"It won't be, I promise," Gwedif said. "But you're going to feel stuffed-up
like you wouldn't believe. Carl, don't misunderstand, I'll be effectively do
wnloading your brain to the group. In the melding union, there are no secret
s -- and the offspring of this melding will know what you know. We know we'r
e asking a lot of you, more than has been asked of any of us. If you don't w
ant to do this, then don't."
I grabbed the fist before she could break her ribs. "Stop apologizing. You h
aven't done anything wrong. It's okay to be nervous, Michelle. This is a pre
tty big role. But I don't think you need to bruise yourself over it. Have yo
u read the scene Roland wants you to do?"
He pointed over to me. "Tom couldn't say no to her. He just tried to get her
a part she had no business trying for, because he didn't want to say no to

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