Posting Actuals



I am trying to post an Actual Finish Date and Actual Duration for various
tasks thru a macro from a SQL database.

My start date and end dates are populated in the same fashion however for
some reason the actual finish date won't work. The only difference that I'm
aware of is that the actual date has no time information. Note that this
does not generate any errors, it simple doesn't fill in

count = 1
For Each t In ts
If t.Duration = 0 Then
t.ActualFinish = actstuff(count, 1)
t.ActualDuration = actstuff(count, 2)
End If
count = count + 1
Next t

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated...



There are a couple of curious things you are doing.
First, since duration = 0 you are only updating milestones. So by definition
the actual finish is the same as the actual start. Just a guess, but if the
actual finish is earlier than actual start probably project has some logic
which will prevent this from happening. It is conceivable that this internal
checking is coming into play invisibly without popping up an error.

Second, what is actstuff? It is impossible to determine if the results
returned by actstuff are at fault unless we know what actstuff is.

I'd put in some watches and see what the values are. Second, I'd try it on
tasks that are not zero duration tasks.

Rod Gill


Try setting the actual start date, not finish date, then set the duration
and finally percent complete. If 100% actual finish is entered

Jan De Messemaeker


This is what happens
When you post the actual finish, let's say Feb 15, Project sets the
Actual Start Feb 15
Actual Finish Feb 15
% complete 100

Then you cange duration to 2 days.
Project will recalculate the task's dates from the start onward as follows:

Actual Start Feb 15
Actual Finish Feb 17

The only way I found to make this work is


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