posting again -- it's urgent.



Hi All,

Here's what i am trying to accomplish.

On Sheet2 I have name of the person in column A, name of the queue he has
worked on in column B, time in column C and count in column D. It is
possible to have one name upto 11 times if that guy worked on all the
queues. on sheet1 I have just the names in column A. Now what I want excel
to do is....

Lookup the name in sheet2, return the first queue he worked on in column B,
If the name is repeated in Sheet2 then insert a row below and return the
second queue and so on. After this....look for a match of both, the name and
the queue and return the time in Colum C and count in Column D.

The final data will be something like this.

Column A-Column B- Column C - Column D
Name1 Queue1 2:30 20
Name1 Queue2 1:00 10
Name 2 Queue1 3:00 5
Name 3 Queue1 1:00 15
Name 3 Queue2 3:00 25
Name 3 Queue3 4:00 20

it will be easier if we can somehow eliminate the 'Inserr Row' Part.

I tried my best to explain the problem.

Hoping to find a solution.

Thanks in advance

Duke Carey

Your best bet is to use Access, create a link to your sheet 2, create a query
based on the sheet-link, querying for name, queue, time, and count. Within
the query you can sort by name and queue, if you like. Save the query.

Back within Excel, use the Data->Import External Data->Import Data and
import the query. At any time you can right click in the retrieved data and
refresh it, in the event the data on sheet 2 changes

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