Posting Data to Excel Spreadsheet




I receive a daily Excel file with data collected from a website wher
clients register. The data is all contained in Column 1. There are
variable number of clients with 16 data elements per client, and al
the HTML tags are intact.

Using VBA, I can determine the range, how many clients are represente
and I can extract the pertinent data from the HTML tags.

My problem is posting each individual client to one row in anothe
spreadsheet and posting the next client in the row underneath th
first, etc.

I tested the code by using a named range that represented only on
client's data using a For Each...Next loop, and posting the data to on
row on another spreadsheet.

I don't know how to go back to the raw data and pick up the nex
client, post that data to the next row, and so on.

I tried using a dynamic array as:

Dim ClientArray() As Variant
Dim intClient As Integer
Dim intData As Integer
ReDim ClientArray(1 To ClientCount, 1 To 16)
For intClient = 1 To ClientCount
For intData = 1 To 16
Next intData
Next intClient

Or is there a better way?

Thanks for your help

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