Diane said:
It's the new and improved interface on Mactopia for this newsgroup. It's
such a horrible mess, I'm taking my services to the talk lists until it's
To add to this...
With the launch of Office 2008, Microsoft revamped its Mactopia website,
which they provide to support Office. This revamp includes a portal to
the microsoft.public.mac.office.* newsgroups so that website visitors
can post messages to the newsgroups.
This portal is making a HUGE mess of the Office:mac newsgroups in many
ways and a good majority of the Mac MVPs have been in communication with
the Macintosh Business Unit about this. I can only speculate that those
who developed and signed off on this new portal know very little about
netiquette or the structure of newsgroups.
While I can't speak for the Mac MVPs (I'm not even one myself), I
believe I can safely say that none of us is happy about what has
happened and how it has happened. While I do expect the portal to
eventually work out, I don't expect Microsoft to be quick about
correcting the problems.
William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
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