Posting in HTML?



I have noticed many posts in this newsgroup apparently posted in HTML.
At least I assume that is why they have the annoying "<br><br>"
indicators instead of normal paragraphing.

Any particular reason? I haven't seen this in other newsgroups.


Diane Ross

I have noticed many posts in this newsgroup apparently posted in HTML.
At least I assume that is why they have the annoying "<br><br>"
indicators instead of normal paragraphing.

Any particular reason? I haven't seen this in other newsgroups.

It's the new and improved interface on Mactopia for this newsgroup. It's
such a horrible mess, I'm taking my services to the talk lists until it's

William Smith

Diane said:
It's the new and improved interface on Mactopia for this newsgroup. It's
such a horrible mess, I'm taking my services to the talk lists until it's

To add to this...

With the launch of Office 2008, Microsoft revamped its Mactopia website,
which they provide to support Office. This revamp includes a portal to
the* newsgroups so that website visitors
can post messages to the newsgroups.

This portal is making a HUGE mess of the Office:mac newsgroups in many
ways and a good majority of the Mac MVPs have been in communication with
the Macintosh Business Unit about this. I can only speculate that those
who developed and signed off on this new portal know very little about
netiquette or the structure of newsgroups.

While I can't speak for the Mac MVPs (I'm not even one myself), I
believe I can safely say that none of us is happy about what has
happened and how it has happened. While I do expect the portal to
eventually work out, I don't expect Microsoft to be quick about
correcting the problems.



William M. Smith, Microsoft Interop MVP - Mac/Windows
Entourage Help Page <>
Entourage Help Blog <>

Diane Ross

Tha talk lists?

The Entourage talk list has been around forever. It's hosted by the father
of Entourage, Jud Spencer. Long ago the developers were regulars on the
list, but rarely now days. All of the original developers have moved on.

How to subscribe to the Microsoft Entourage talk list:


It's a moderated list and fairly low traffic. You can post in both plain
text and HTML. There are a lot of long time Entourage users there that never
post on the newsgroups. Their breadth of knowledge is great for help with
all types of Entourage problems. Many on the list came from Claris Emailer.
After so many years we are a community.

JE McGimpsey

Jolly Roger said:
Tha talk lists?

Diane meant the Entourage-Talk listserve.

Listserve's are email distribution lists, so when you send an email to
the list, it gets distributed to all the subscribers of that list.

I find listserve's absolutely horrible - I already get hundreds of
emails a day, I don't need more to sort through (rather than just
downloading and reading the messages of interest on newsgroups like
this). And I'd have to use Entourage for it, so I'd have to use thread
by subject rather than a proper thread by reference...

But some people it seems, especially if they use Entourage for
newsgroups anyway, occasionally opine that listserves are a good thing.

De gustibus non disputandum est...

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