Posts not getting picked up


T. Valko

I'm not getting any posts made through the web interface (again!). I'm
accessing through OE. The only posts I get are from other newsreaders and
Google Groups. This has been going on all weekend.

Can anyone else verify this?


Jim Rech

Volume is way down so I bet you're right.

| I'm not getting any posts made through the web interface (again!). I'm
| accessing through OE. The only posts I get are from other newsreaders and
| Google Groups. This has been going on all weekend.
| Can anyone else verify this?
| Biff

Roger Govier

Hi Biff

Same here, very light traffic but I've been busy trying to get another
project completed, so probably lucky there was little to distract me<bg>

Ron Coderre

Hi, Biff

There are definitely problems. My web interface posts from the past couple
days may as well have been stuffed in bottles and thrown into the ocean.
They don't get picked up by Google and OE doesn't display them. I believe
Microsoft is aware, but I have no other information. Hopefully, the problem
will be resolved soon.


Microsoft MVP - Excel

Niek Otten

Same here (I think): very few posts.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten
Microsoft MVP - Excel

| I'm not getting any posts made through the web interface (again!). I'm
| accessing through OE. The only posts I get are from other newsreaders and
| Google Groups. This has been going on all weekend.
| Can anyone else verify this?
| Biff

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