Pound Signs Instead Of Text



I have been using Excel (XP) to make a text chart for some time now. Some
entries are quite lengthy. I've not had a problem until last week when my
lengthy entries started showing up as pound signs (######) instead of text as
soon as I click off of the cell. I tried changing the width of the cell and
shortening my entry to no avail. The cell is formatted as "text" and "wrap to
fit". I know the text can fit because when I'm editing it, it fits. This
chart is due to my professor tomorrow, please help!


Format the cell(s) to "General".

There seems to be a quirk (bug), where in a Text formatted cell of more then
approximately 256 characters, you'll get the ###'s.

Stranger yet, if you keep typing, the true text *returns* when the character
count exceeds 1024.

General format should work for the "in-between" character count.


Please keep all correspondence within the Group, so all may benefit!

I have been using Excel (XP) to make a text chart for some time now. Some
entries are quite lengthy. I've not had a problem until last week when my
lengthy entries started showing up as pound signs (######) instead of text
soon as I click off of the cell. I tried changing the width of the cell and
shortening my entry to no avail. The cell is formatted as "text" and "wrap
fit". I know the text can fit because when I'm editing it, it fits. This
chart is due to my professor tomorrow, please help!

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