Power point 2007 macro to move an object



I am trying to work with power point. I have a meter (simple, with a needle
in the middle to move left or right).

Then, I have a selector with 8 prime function. Each function have 3

Example: Function: Weather. Sub Function: good, bad, don't know.

Then, if it is "good", the needle move clockwise, by about 15 degree. "Bad"
and "don't know", does the reverse.

In Excel, I can get the needle to move when I want to, but in PowerPoint, I

This is the macro in excel

Sub Rotateclockwise()

ActiveSheet.Shapes("Freeform 2").Select
Selection.ShapeRange.IncrementRotation 15#
Edn Sub

Can someonehelp me to create amacro for powerpoint?


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