Power Point in FrontPage



Thanx to Mr. Rowe for getting me going on inserting
a .PPS into one of my web pages. However now I am getting
a security warning everytime the page is opened, asking
if "Do you want to trust the content" and open, save, etc
etc. I have checked on several machines and I get the
warning on all of them every time the page is opened.

www.kearneyunionchurch.org/events.html is the location

maybe I need to apply for a cert or something, I just
don't know. I have even turned my security settings from
default to the lowest they will go and I still get the
warning box.

Any help would be welcomed.

David Berry

The warning box is part of the security built into Internet Explorer and you
can't change that. Even if you changed your browser, other people will have
different security settings.


Ok, thank you for the information. I am trying to avoid
going to flash. Have even looked at a few ppt to flash
converters that did not work as well as I thought they
should. If you have any recomendations I would welcome



When I clicked on the link at the beginning of this post, it was asking
me to open/save etc. I'm not sure what you asked previously, but you can
publish your PP to your web have it open full screen or in an html frameset
without people having to download your pps file to view it, like it is
currently set at. This download window will show whenever a site wants a
browser to download. Let me know if you want people to view your slideshow
on their browser and I'll help you publish your slideshow.


Thomas A. Rowe


You should see the Presentation appearing in the left IFrame (311 x 272
pixels). If you get prompts, then it most likely the your IE browser's
IFrame security setting.

No prompts with yours, since is a HTML Presentation.


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


ok. Well, I'll take your word for it, as it has been known to be right (once
or twice...just joking..lol)

Looks like it is a nice layout with the presentation is the table/IFrame.
(not too familiar with IFrame)

Thanks Though.
Have a great evening!
www.jmconsultingllc.com/aspforum (Brand New Free Forum)


Well, I hit the open, while on that page, it just opened the presentation
into a full screen slide show.

If that IFrame is a program, I would love to get my hands on it. I work a
lot with PP. If I'll google it and see what happens, if you happen to know
anything about it, good/bad, free/expensive, easy to code etc., Please let
me know. Thanks.

www.jmconsultingllc.com/aspforum (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!

Thomas A. Rowe

This is what you should see if your IE Custom security setting are set to
allow Active Scripting:


Presentation doesn't display correctly in NS6.21


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

Thomas A. Rowe

The IFrame HTML tag works in all IE3 and up browsers and NS6 and up


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Thanks for responding again Thomas. I changed my security levels in IE6, it
still prompted me to download it after I cleared my cache. The jpg you took,
looked great in that page. I'll have to research IFrame and incorporate into
some websites. Thanks for your time in explaining this.

www.jmconsultingllc.com/aspforum (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!

Thomas A. Rowe


Actually it was not the IFrame security setting, but the Active Scripting


Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, Forums, WebCircle,
MS KB Quick Links, etc.

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