Dave said:
How do you get a PP show to play automatically inside the site?
I have recently undertaken to do some PP work (for my church) and so I am a
learner so far as it (PP) is concerned.
But I did find that there is a entry in the File menu
Save as Web Page
This creates a high level HTML page and a subfolder with the same name
suffixed by "_files" which contains the rest of the code
It displays more or less OK as a web page, so the HTML page and its
subfolder can be copied into your website. (There is even a option to
publish it directly)
The reason I wrote "more or less" are that repeated blanks and some symbols
e.g, ' ... display (on the website but not locally) as an unrecognisable
character - a square.
If there aren't too many of these they can be edited out, but I would be
interested to know why this occurs