Somehing has happened that drives me crazy! As i select objects in my poer
point drawings (to be able to add custom animations), powerpoint makes copies
of the objects! So, when I animate it does not work since there are multiple
objects overlayed. To fix this i need to delete 1-5 copies of the object and
then add the animation again.
Can anyone guess what it it that causes this? I think the problem mainly
appears when i use my laptop eith the touchpad, but i may remember that
Any ideas would be appreciated, im really stuck and it takes forever to add
simple animations.
Somehing has happened that drives me crazy! As i select objects in my poer
point drawings (to be able to add custom animations), powerpoint makes copies
of the objects! So, when I animate it does not work since there are multiple
objects overlayed. To fix this i need to delete 1-5 copies of the object and
then add the animation again.
Can anyone guess what it it that causes this? I think the problem mainly
appears when i use my laptop eith the touchpad, but i may remember that
Any ideas would be appreciated, im really stuck and it takes forever to add
simple animations.