Powerpoint 2003 crashes at "Presenter View"



I have a Dell Inspiron 8600 Notebook (Office 2003 Student Edition, German and
Windows XP Home) and work with it for more than a year regularly with
Powerpoint 2003 and the „Presenter View“ Mode. This works without a problem.
In June 2006 we’ve bought a second notebook Dell Inspiron 9400 (Office 2003
Small Business Edition, Windows XP Professional). As we tried to work with
Powerpoint 2003 in the „Presenter View“ it always gets stuck. As soon as we
set the mark at „Presenter view“ and click the button „Slide Show“ Powerpoint
2003 doesn’t move anymore at all and can only bee moved by pressing
First we thought it’s a hardware problem. We mailed and spoke for hours
with Dell support Switzerland, we’ve sent back the notebook to DELL, it came
back, the problem was still not solved…. After weeks DELL said: It’s a
Microsoft problem, we can’t do anything for it….
Then we contacted other persons who know a lot about software. They tried a
lot. Of course we’ve loaded from the beginning all the newest downloads from
Office 2003 and Windows XP but after hours we where not one step ahead.
Then we’ve found out that a lot of other people deal with the same problem
even they have other notebooks. But none of them had an answer why.
Then I wrote in the German speaking Microsoft discussion group
but until now no answer came which helped to solve the problem. One person
said, that it seemed a problem from only a few people, but this is not true.
Even in this (English speaking discussion) group I’ve found people which have
the same problem but nobody gave a helpful answer.
Even Sony Support Switzerland said to a friend of mine with a Sony notebook
and the same Powerpoint 2003 problem: It’s clear a Microsoft problem and
we’re waiting until Microsoft is going to help!
Last Saturday one person wrote in the German discussion group, that it’s
important to write the problem in the English speaking discussions group
because Microsoft does not care about German MS-discussion groups, even when
many people write in. This where really bad news for me. Therefore - even my
English is quite poor and I’ve difficulties to write down this Microsoft
software problem - I’ve tried it now.
It’s really important, that Microsoft cares, because if you search in Google
with “Powerpoint 2003 and Praesentationsansicht which is “Presenter view†in
German, a lot of hints show that many German speaking people can’t use
“Powerpoint 2003 Presenter View†because of this problem.
I wonder if this note helps to move Microsoft towards a helpful answer for a
customer who started to work with Microsoft Word 2.0 in summer 1992 and since
then spent thousands of Swiss francs, even thousands of US Dollars for
Microsoft software even I’m only a pastor from a small congregation. Many,
many other users would be pleased as well if this problem is going to bee
solved and we can use Powerpoint 2003 Presenter View even with new notebooks
bought in summer 2006!
Greetings from Switzerland


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Same problem here, but PPT 2002 v10.6501.6626 SP3 (german) instead of 2003.

I own a Sony Vaio VGN-FS415S (graphic display NVidia GForce GO6400 Turbo
Cache, 128MB) running Windows XP , bought a few months ago. I'm not able to
start a presentation with 'Presenters view' activated, not even a completely
new presentation containing one single slide.

The phenomenon is the same as HHGL2006 descibed, PPT hangs and must be closed.

I've tested this on some other machines within my collegues, on some the
presentation view is working fine, others have exactly the same problem. I've
no dependence on version of the operations system, nor PPT version or patch
level detected.

Austin Myers

First, I assure you MS does care about German users and you will find there
is a German PowerPoint MVP. (I suspect Ute will be along anytime to respond
to you.)

Now, with that said, have you looked at your system logs to determine what
is going wrong? If PowerPoint hangs it almost always writes the error to
the system logs.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia http://www.pfcmedia.com

Stefan Schneiter


HHGL2006 said:
Small Business Edition, Windows XP Professional). As we tried to work with
Powerpoint 2003 in the „Presenter View“ it always gets stuck. As soon as we
set the mark at „Presenter view“ and click the button „Slide Show“ Powerpoint
2003 doesn’t move anymore at all and can only bee moved by pressing
First we thought it’s a hardware problem. We mailed and spoke for hours

I have the same Problem with many HP-PC


Dear Austin
Thanks for your answer. Please explain, how I go to the system log to check
what you suggested. I try to translate it afterwards and see what is in
there. Thanks a lot.


Thanks for the suggestion Austin.
I checkt it up this morning again, have produced the error with the
Powerpoint 2003 presenter view and looked in the the event fewer afterwards:
There was not one error to find..... even I had to close down again with


Dear Austin Meyers
You wrote at 14th of August 2006 that Microsoft cares and there will be an
answer from somebody named "ute".... but except somebody called "Pia Bork"
not one helpful answer came in until now. And since 14th of August I've heard
nothing at all which would bring me further to solve the problem. I'm not
satisfied at all with this way of "support". But friends told me don't wait
for an answer from Microsoft, you'll hear nothing more.
It's a pity to hear that and I still hope that's not true. I wonder weather
I'm going to hear something which will really help to solve the problem.
We've a new notebook and still can't use the Powerpoint 2003 presenter view
even it would be very useful for us, because we have to present our church
songs with two screens every Sunday and between to present PowerPoint slides.

Still hope to get a helpful answer from Microsoft.


I have a similar problem except I don't crash...but presenter view won't
work. Also the vido clips in the slide show don't play. The sound plays, but
the video won't play! I tried to re-install office and now Presenter View
won't even work! The slide show starts on the external monitor, but it
doesn't bring up presenter view...and the video clip won't show.

I had this problem before and had to uninstall office and then manually
remove traces of office in the registry and one other place (but I can't
remember the other file!!) because when you remove office it does NOT get
everything. At the time there seemed to be a conflict with Outlook and
Presenter View in PPT.

I also would love to get this fixed! I see in the other posts that some
have mentioned a NVIDIA card...is there a common issue there? is ther a
conflict with NVIDIA?

Bill Dilworth

Conflict? perhaps not.

What model of the NVidia card are you using? How much video memory does it
have? Have you updated the drivers from the manufacturers web site? How
much RAM is in your computer?

If you install many of the common video or sound programs (or their web
players) they muck with your settings on your machine and can cause the
native players to cease functioning. The length of the path to the movie or
sound can also cause problems, try moving the video to the root drive (C:\)
and see if it plays then.

Also try changing the system's active screen mode from dual to external only
and see if the video plays then. Often PowerPoint gets blamed for sound and
video problems that are not it's fault per se. I suppose since it was the
last software the user saw it touch, that is somewhat of a reasonable leap.
And while I believe that PowerPoint should better protect me from
embarrassment while on the road, it is often the system or the user's
changes to the system that cause these failures.

Bill Dilworth
A proud member of the Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
vestprog2@ Please read the PowerPoint FAQ pages.
yahoo. They answer most of our questions.
com www.pptfaq.com

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