My Powerpoint 2004 has been installed on a new computer to which I
recently moved all my files from my old computer, which had been
running Powerpoint X.
In general Powerpoint 2004 opens old presentations just fine.
Some of my old presentations repeatedly cause Powerpoint 2004 to crash,
however. Specifically I have some presentations where I had inserted
audio clips that were stored on my hard drive. Powerpoint 2004 opens
those presentations initially but then crashes when I advance to a
slide that my have had a linked audio file, or when I press for slide
sorter view.
I notice the word "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" early in the error report. Since the
problem appears restricted to files where there were audio files, I
suspect it has something to do with that. the process of getting a new
computer to replace the old one, and trying to recreate the old user
(this was not a simple Firewire transition) often means that some files
are misplaced. ie I would not expect Powerpoint to find the old linked
audio file. I would expect that I would have to redirect it...without
the proram crashing.
At this point I can't open the old presentation at all, however, even
to try to sort out what might be going on and to repair it.
What should I do?
Top of the error report:
Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 1.0
Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2005-04-12 12:11:52 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft PowerPoint
Application Version:
Module Name: Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z
Module Version:
Module Offset: 0x001be640
Extra app info: Reg=English Loc=0x0409
Thread 0 crashed:
# 1 0x024b3f10 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x001be640)
# 2 0x02336918 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00041048)
# 3 0x02336848 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00040f78)
# 4 0x02335008 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0003f738)
# 5 0x0250bca8 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x0001bc58)
# 6 0x024f7630 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x000075e0)
# 7 0x024f8b70 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x00008b20)
# 8 0x0232e6a4 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00038dd4)
# 9 0x023184c8 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00022bf8)
# 10 0x02313b94 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0001e2c4)
# 11 0x02313660 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0001dd90)
# 12 0x02339bc0 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x000442f0)
# 13 0x0232b15c in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0003588c)
# 14 0x01509ee0 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x004eab40)
# 15 0x015250bc in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00505d1c)
# 16 0x015246e0 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00505340)
# 17 0x0102efd8 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x0000fc38)
# 18 0x901945f4 in ___CFRunLoopDoTimer + 0x000000F0 (CoreFoundation +
# 19 0x90191954 in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x000005C4 (CoreFoundation +
# 20 0x90195e68 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x00000144 (CoreFoundation
+ 0x00005e68)
# 21 0x927d5f5c in _RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 0x000000A8 (HIToolbox
+ 0x00005f5c)
# 22 0x927dc6c4 in _ReceiveNextEventCommon + 0x00000178 (HIToolbox +
# 23 0x9284d7d0 in _ReceiveNextEventInMode + 0x00000044 (HIToolbox +
# 24 0x00592c5c in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0002284c)
# 25 0x01031564 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x000121c4)
# 26 0x0101fed4 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00000b34)
# 27 0x01593f8c in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00574bec)
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x024b3f10 srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000006 lr: 0x02336918 ctr: 0x00000277 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0x00000277 r1: 0xbfffcfb0 r2: 0x04fb6000 r3:0x11ecfc80
r4: 0x07a7f9f8 r5: 0x00009dc0 r6: 0x11ecfc78 r7:0x000013c0
r8: 0x00000008 r9: 0x000013b8 r10: 0x0000ffff r11:0xffe0e000
r12: 0x04fb403c r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000001
r16: 0x00000001 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xa01913a8 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x07a7fa00 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x0614b070 r26: 0x07a62000 r27:0x018a7e00
r28: 0x00009e00 r29: 0x0004f000 r30: 0x11ecfc80 r31:0x07a7fa00
Thread 1:
# 1 0x90012588 in _clock_sleep_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x9000d758 in _nanosleep + 0x00000078 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 3 0x9002d388 in _sleep + 0x00000048 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 4 0x027885e0 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000BAC (ShMem +
# 5 0x02787aac in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000078 (ShMem +
# 6 0x02787bd8 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x000001A4 (ShMem +
# 7 0x027886b8 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000C84 (ShMem +
# 8 0x900246e4 in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x90012588 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x9000d758 ctr: 0x90012580 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffc2 r1: 0xf0080af0 r2: 0xf0080ac4 r3:0x00000507
r4: 0x00000001 r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x00000000 r7:0xf0080b30
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x0000029b r10: 0x37a87ac5 r11:0xa0003ed4
r12: 0x90012580 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x00000032 r26: 0x000000c8 r27:0x027984b0
r28: 0xf0080bb0 r29: 0xa00011e0 r30: 0xf0080ba0 r31:0x9000d6f0
Thread 3:
# 1 0x900074c8 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x90007018 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 3 0x901916dc in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x0000034C (CoreFoundation +
# 4 0x90195e68 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x00000144 (CoreFoundation
+ 0x00005e68)
# 5 0x90732f7c in __ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv + 0x00000100
(CoreAudio + 0x00012f7c)
# 6 0x907391dc in __ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_ + 0x0000002C (CoreAudio +
# 7 0x900246e4 in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900074c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x90007018 ctr: 0x900074c0 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0xf0182810 r2: 0x00006e07 r3:0xf01828d0
r4: 0x03000006 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000450 r7:0x00006e07
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x0000000b r11:0xa0004308
r12: 0x900074c0 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000001 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xa01913a8 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00007107 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x06153718 r23:0x028ed330
r24: 0xf01828d0 r25: 0x00000450 r26: 0x00006e07 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x03000006 r31:0x901913a8
Thread 4:
# 1 0x8fe269c8 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (dyld + 0x000269c8)
# 2 0x8fe321d4 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (dyld + 0x000321d4)
# 3 0x8fe16504 in _server_loop + 0x00000088 (dyld + 0x00016504)
# 4 0x8fe16334 in _start_debug_thread + 0x00000144 (dyld +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x8fe269c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x8fe321d4 ctr: 0x8fe1a968 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0x07ad0cf0 r2: 0x00000000 r3:0x07ad0d90
r4: 0x00000002 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000040 r7:0x00005507
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11:0x96cb03bc
r12: 0x8fe1a968 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x8fe53254 r15:0x8fe507a0
r16: 0x8fe507d0 r17: 0x8fe5079c r18: 0x8fe507a0 r19:0x07ad0dd0
r20: 0x8fe507cc r21: 0x8fe5079c r22: 0x8fe507cc r23:0x8fe53254
r24: 0x07ad0d90 r25: 0x00000040 r26: 0x00005507 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x00000002 r31:0x8fe16490
Loaded modules:
0: Microsoft PowerPoint ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft PowerPoint
1: PowerPlantZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
2: MCPZ.stb ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
3: MCPCoreZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
4: Microsoft PowerPoint ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft PowerPoint
5: Microsoft_Office_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
6: Microsoft_DrawingUI_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
7: Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
8: BLIP_LibrariesZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
9: OfficeSoundLib ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
10: ShMem ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office
11: AppleIntermediateCodec (121 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
12: AOAHALPlugin (2.5.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
13: Microsoft OLE X ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft OLE
14: SoundManagerComponents (3.8 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
15: iSightAudio (6.5.2 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
16: Microsoft Framework DB ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Framework
17: libz.1.1.3.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib
18: DVComponentGlue:
19: libConverter.dylib:
20: QuickTimeComponents (6.5.2 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
21: QuickTimeMPEG4 (6.5.2 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
22: dyld: /usr/lib/dyld
23: libSystem.B.dylib: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
24: CoreFoundation:
25: CarbonCore:
26: IOKit: /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
27: OSServices:
28: CoreServices:
29: CoreAudio:
30: DiskArbitration:
31: ApplicationServices:
32: libobjc.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
33: DesktopServicesPriv:
34: Foundation:
35: libGL.dylib:
36: libGLU.dylib:
37: SystemConfiguration:
38: Carbon:
39: OpenGL:
40: Bom: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
41: CarbonSound:
42: LangAnalysis:
43: ColorSync:
44: SpeechSynthesis:
45: HTMLRendering:
46: QD:
47: AE:
48: PrintCore:
49: SpeechRecognition:
50: OpenScripting:
51: ImageCapture:
52: Help:
53: CommonPanels:
54: Print:
55: SecurityHI:
56: NavigationServices:
57: AudioUnit:
58: libCGATS.A.dylib:
59: libCSync.A.dylib:
60: libPDFRIP.A.dylib:
61: libPSRIP.A.dylib:
62: libRIP.A.dylib:
63: QuickTime:
64: FindByContent:
65: Security:
66: LaunchServices:
67: CFNetwork:
68: HIToolbox:
69: HIServices:
70: CoreGraphics:
71: libmathCommon.A.dylib: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
72: AudioToolbox:
73: WebServicesCore:
74: libz.1.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
75: SearchKit:
76: libxml2.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
77: Ink:
78: libBLAS.dylib:
79: libvDSP.dylib:
80: libvMisc.dylib:
81: libicucore.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
82: ATS:
83: libiconv.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
84: libbsm.dylib: /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
Operating System Information
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3.8 (Build 7U16)
CPU: G4 (7450), Number: 1, Speed: 1666 MHz
gestaltPhysicalRAMSize err = 0, result = 1024 MB
gestaltSystemVersion err = 0, result = 0x1038
Screen: 1280 x 854, depth = 32, ltbr = 0, 0, 854, 1280
Screen: 1280 x 960, depth = 32, ltbr = 1280, 0, 960, 2560
Microsoft Application Information:
recently moved all my files from my old computer, which had been
running Powerpoint X.
In general Powerpoint 2004 opens old presentations just fine.
Some of my old presentations repeatedly cause Powerpoint 2004 to crash,
however. Specifically I have some presentations where I had inserted
audio clips that were stored on my hard drive. Powerpoint 2004 opens
those presentations initially but then crashes when I advance to a
slide that my have had a linked audio file, or when I press for slide
sorter view.
I notice the word "EXC_BAD_ACCESS" early in the error report. Since the
problem appears restricted to files where there were audio files, I
suspect it has something to do with that. the process of getting a new
computer to replace the old one, and trying to recreate the old user
(this was not a simple Firewire transition) often means that some files
are misplaced. ie I would not expect Powerpoint to find the old linked
audio file. I would expect that I would have to redirect it...without
the proram crashing.
At this point I can't open the old presentation at all, however, even
to try to sort out what might be going on and to repair it.
What should I do?
Top of the error report:
Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 1.0
Error Signature:
Date/Time: 2005-04-12 12:11:52 -0500
Application Name: Microsoft PowerPoint
Application Version:
Module Name: Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z
Module Version:
Module Offset: 0x001be640
Extra app info: Reg=English Loc=0x0409
Thread 0 crashed:
# 1 0x024b3f10 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x001be640)
# 2 0x02336918 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00041048)
# 3 0x02336848 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00040f78)
# 4 0x02335008 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0003f738)
# 5 0x0250bca8 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x0001bc58)
# 6 0x024f7630 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x000075e0)
# 7 0x024f8b70 in (BLIP_LibrariesZ + 0x00008b20)
# 8 0x0232e6a4 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00038dd4)
# 9 0x023184c8 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x00022bf8)
# 10 0x02313b94 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0001e2c4)
# 11 0x02313660 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0001dd90)
# 12 0x02339bc0 in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x000442f0)
# 13 0x0232b15c in (Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z + 0x0003588c)
# 14 0x01509ee0 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x004eab40)
# 15 0x015250bc in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00505d1c)
# 16 0x015246e0 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00505340)
# 17 0x0102efd8 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x0000fc38)
# 18 0x901945f4 in ___CFRunLoopDoTimer + 0x000000F0 (CoreFoundation +
# 19 0x90191954 in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x000005C4 (CoreFoundation +
# 20 0x90195e68 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x00000144 (CoreFoundation
+ 0x00005e68)
# 21 0x927d5f5c in _RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 0x000000A8 (HIToolbox
+ 0x00005f5c)
# 22 0x927dc6c4 in _ReceiveNextEventCommon + 0x00000178 (HIToolbox +
# 23 0x9284d7d0 in _ReceiveNextEventInMode + 0x00000044 (HIToolbox +
# 24 0x00592c5c in (MCPZ.stb + 0x0002284c)
# 25 0x01031564 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x000121c4)
# 26 0x0101fed4 in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00000b34)
# 27 0x01593f8c in (Microsoft PowerPoint + 0x00574bec)
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x024b3f10 srr1: 0x0000f030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000006 lr: 0x02336918 ctr: 0x00000277 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0x00000277 r1: 0xbfffcfb0 r2: 0x04fb6000 r3:0x11ecfc80
r4: 0x07a7f9f8 r5: 0x00009dc0 r6: 0x11ecfc78 r7:0x000013c0
r8: 0x00000008 r9: 0x000013b8 r10: 0x0000ffff r11:0xffe0e000
r12: 0x04fb403c r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000001
r16: 0x00000001 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xa01913a8 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x07a7fa00 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x0614b070 r26: 0x07a62000 r27:0x018a7e00
r28: 0x00009e00 r29: 0x0004f000 r30: 0x11ecfc80 r31:0x07a7fa00
Thread 1:
# 1 0x90012588 in _clock_sleep_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x9000d758 in _nanosleep + 0x00000078 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 3 0x9002d388 in _sleep + 0x00000048 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 4 0x027885e0 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000BAC (ShMem +
# 5 0x02787aac in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000078 (ShMem +
# 6 0x02787bd8 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x000001A4 (ShMem +
# 7 0x027886b8 in _MerpUnregisterCFMFragment + 0x00000C84 (ShMem +
# 8 0x900246e4 in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x90012588 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x00000004 lr: 0x9000d758 ctr: 0x90012580 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffc2 r1: 0xf0080af0 r2: 0xf0080ac4 r3:0x00000507
r4: 0x00000001 r5: 0x00000001 r6: 0x00000000 r7:0xf0080b30
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x0000029b r10: 0x37a87ac5 r11:0xa0003ed4
r12: 0x90012580 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000000 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0x00000000 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00000000 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x00000000 r23:0x00000000
r24: 0x00000000 r25: 0x00000032 r26: 0x000000c8 r27:0x027984b0
r28: 0xf0080bb0 r29: 0xa00011e0 r30: 0xf0080ba0 r31:0x9000d6f0
Thread 3:
# 1 0x900074c8 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 2 0x90007018 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (libSystem.B.dylib +
# 3 0x901916dc in ___CFRunLoopRun + 0x0000034C (CoreFoundation +
# 4 0x90195e68 in _CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 0x00000144 (CoreFoundation
+ 0x00005e68)
# 5 0x90732f7c in __ZN10HALRunLoop9OwnThreadEPv + 0x00000100
(CoreAudio + 0x00012f7c)
# 6 0x907391dc in __ZN9CAPThread5EntryEPS_ + 0x0000002C (CoreAudio +
# 7 0x900246e4 in __pthread_body + 0x00000024 (libSystem.B.dylib +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x900074c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x90007018 ctr: 0x900074c0 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0xf0182810 r2: 0x00006e07 r3:0xf01828d0
r4: 0x03000006 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000450 r7:0x00006e07
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x0000000b r11:0xa0004308
r12: 0x900074c0 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x00000000 r15:0x00000000
r16: 0x00000001 r17: 0x00000000 r18: 0xa01913a8 r19:0x00000000
r20: 0x00007107 r21: 0x00000000 r22: 0x06153718 r23:0x028ed330
r24: 0xf01828d0 r25: 0x00000450 r26: 0x00006e07 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x03000006 r31:0x901913a8
Thread 4:
# 1 0x8fe269c8 in _mach_msg_trap + 0x00000008 (dyld + 0x000269c8)
# 2 0x8fe321d4 in _mach_msg + 0x00000038 (dyld + 0x000321d4)
# 3 0x8fe16504 in _server_loop + 0x00000088 (dyld + 0x00016504)
# 4 0x8fe16334 in _start_debug_thread + 0x00000144 (dyld +
PPC Thread State:
srr0: 0x8fe269c8 srr1: 0x0000d030 vrsave: 0x00000000
xer: 0x20000000 lr: 0x8fe321d4 ctr: 0x8fe1a968 mq:0x00000000
r0: 0xffffffe1 r1: 0x07ad0cf0 r2: 0x00000000 r3:0x07ad0d90
r4: 0x00000002 r5: 0x00000000 r6: 0x00000040 r7:0x00005507
r8: 0x00000000 r9: 0x00000000 r10: 0x00000000 r11:0x96cb03bc
r12: 0x8fe1a968 r13: 0x00000000 r14: 0x8fe53254 r15:0x8fe507a0
r16: 0x8fe507d0 r17: 0x8fe5079c r18: 0x8fe507a0 r19:0x07ad0dd0
r20: 0x8fe507cc r21: 0x8fe5079c r22: 0x8fe507cc r23:0x8fe53254
r24: 0x07ad0d90 r25: 0x00000040 r26: 0x00005507 r27:0x00000000
r28: 0x00000000 r29: 0x00000000 r30: 0x00000002 r31:0x8fe16490
Loaded modules:
0: Microsoft PowerPoint ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft PowerPoint
1: PowerPlantZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
2: MCPZ.stb ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
3: MCPCoreZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Component Plugin
4: Microsoft PowerPoint ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Microsoft PowerPoint
5: Microsoft_Office_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
6: Microsoft_DrawingUI_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
7: Microsoft_Drawing_2001Z ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
8: BLIP_LibrariesZ ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
9: OfficeSoundLib ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Office
10: ShMem ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office
11: AppleIntermediateCodec (121 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
12: AOAHALPlugin (2.5.0 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
13: Microsoft OLE X ( Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft OLE
14: SoundManagerComponents (3.8 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
15: iSightAudio (6.5.2 Reg=English Loc=0x0000):
16: Microsoft Framework DB ( Reg=English Loc=0x0409):
/Applications/Microsoft Office 2004/Office/Microsoft Framework
17: libz.1.1.3.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.1.3.dylib
18: DVComponentGlue:
19: libConverter.dylib:
20: QuickTimeComponents (6.5.2 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
21: QuickTimeMPEG4 (6.5.2 Reg=en_US Loc=0x0000):
22: dyld: /usr/lib/dyld
23: libSystem.B.dylib: /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib
24: CoreFoundation:
25: CarbonCore:
26: IOKit: /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Versions/A/IOKit
27: OSServices:
28: CoreServices:
29: CoreAudio:
30: DiskArbitration:
31: ApplicationServices:
32: libobjc.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
33: DesktopServicesPriv:
34: Foundation:
35: libGL.dylib:
36: libGLU.dylib:
37: SystemConfiguration:
38: Carbon:
39: OpenGL:
40: Bom: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Bom.framework/Versions/A/Bom
41: CarbonSound:
42: LangAnalysis:
43: ColorSync:
44: SpeechSynthesis:
45: HTMLRendering:
46: QD:
47: AE:
48: PrintCore:
49: SpeechRecognition:
50: OpenScripting:
51: ImageCapture:
52: Help:
53: CommonPanels:
54: Print:
55: SecurityHI:
56: NavigationServices:
57: AudioUnit:
58: libCGATS.A.dylib:
59: libCSync.A.dylib:
60: libPDFRIP.A.dylib:
61: libPSRIP.A.dylib:
62: libRIP.A.dylib:
63: QuickTime:
64: FindByContent:
65: Security:
66: LaunchServices:
67: CFNetwork:
68: HIToolbox:
69: HIServices:
70: CoreGraphics:
71: libmathCommon.A.dylib: /usr/lib/system/libmathCommon.A.dylib
72: AudioToolbox:
73: WebServicesCore:
74: libz.1.dylib: /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
75: SearchKit:
76: libxml2.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libxml2.2.dylib
77: Ink:
78: libBLAS.dylib:
79: libvDSP.dylib:
80: libvMisc.dylib:
81: libicucore.A.dylib: /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
82: ATS:
83: libiconv.2.dylib: /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
84: libbsm.dylib: /usr/lib/libbsm.dylib
Operating System Information
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.3.8 (Build 7U16)
CPU: G4 (7450), Number: 1, Speed: 1666 MHz
gestaltPhysicalRAMSize err = 0, result = 1024 MB
gestaltSystemVersion err = 0, result = 0x1038
Screen: 1280 x 854, depth = 32, ltbr = 0, 0, 854, 1280
Screen: 1280 x 960, depth = 32, ltbr = 1280, 0, 960, 2560
Microsoft Application Information: