Powerpoint 2007 not compatible with PPT 2004


Philip Ginter

I cannot open a PPT on my MAC.
The PPT was created using Office 2007 for Windows.
I have Offce 2004 (with all available updates) on my MAC.
The error message is, "have the author of the 2007 PPT save it as a 97-2003
Unfortunately, I cannot tell the author to re-save and burn another CD of
the PPT.
I wonder if at least an updated 2007 PPT viewer for MAC will soon be made


Hi Philip -

See below:

On 1/15/08 3:40 PM, in article
(e-mail address removed), "Philip Ginter" <Philip
I cannot open a PPT on my MAC.

Yes, you can:)
The PPT was created using Office 2007 for Windows.
I have Offce 2004 (with all available updates) on my MAC.

You have the updates, but you haven't yet got the OOXML converters available
from the Mactopia web site. Certain other sources "may" do a better job, but
the MS converters are available from the Downloads page here:


Just make sure you thoroughly read the installation & user instructions.
The error message is, "have the author of the 2007 PPT save it as a 97-2003
Unfortunately, I cannot tell the author to re-save and burn another CD of
the PPT.

Well, not to be snotty, but if the originator wants his/her work to be
viewed accurately by anyone *not* running Win Office 2007 they should have
taken that into consideration before packaging the CD. Even Win Office users
with Office 2003 or prior are in the same fix as you. There is no
requirement that the file be output in the native format - plenty of options
are available, including web presentations:)
I wonder if at least an updated 2007 PPT viewer for MAC will soon be made

Yeah, it's called "Office:Mac 2008" - on sale as of today;-)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

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