Powerpoint 2007 Print Preview does not match the actual slide


Marty in Texas

I have created a slide with text shadows and other text effects. They show
up on the screen, but when I click print preview the special effects aren't
there and of course they don't print either. I want a printed copy to match
the effects I have on the screen

Jeff Chapman

Hello Marty,

PowerPoint only prints the slide contents without the
animation builds. In other words, all objects are flattened,
since obviously, print is a flat medium.

How do you want it to look in print?
Do you want to print the animation builds successively?
Do you want it printed object by object, or second by second?
As you can see, there are a lot of variables that would go
into printing an animation - PowerPoint doesn't bother trying
to second-guess what could amount to a very complex set of
user expectations, and so renders the final slide as
it looks with everything on there in the non-animated

If printing the animations is really important for you,
you might consider creating the animations on separate slides,
in which case the animation builds will print.
For instance, let's say you want shape A to fade in,
shape B to fade in after that, shape C to fade in,
and then shape C to fade out.
If you create four slides, one for each succession of the
animation build, and set the slide transitions between them
to automatic, they will then print separately, and
you can show people the sequence of the animation.

Hope this helps you out a little bit.


Jeff Chapman

Sorry, Marty, my bad - you were referring to
text shadows and so on, not animations.
I guess I got caught up on the word "effects"
and my brain thought you were talking about animations...

Have you tried printing or saving to PDF, and see if
your text shadows and so on are properly outputted there?
It seems to work okay for me. If this works for you,
try first saving or printing to PDF, and then printing
that PDF with your actual printer.


Melissa in Maine

Marty in Texas said:
I have created a slide with text shadows and other text effects. They show
up on the screen, but when I click print preview the special effects aren't
there and of course they don't print either. I want a printed copy to match
the effects I have on the screen

Melissa in Maine

Marty in Texas said:
I have created a slide with text shadows and other text effects. They show
up on the screen, but when I click print preview the special effects aren't
there and of course they don't print either. I want a printed copy to match
the effects I have on the screen

Yes, yes, yes! It's not just me.....used to work just fine. Now, shadow
borders appear on slide, appear in slideshow view....but NOT in print preview
and are NOT printed.

Get the whole PDF thing....but that doesn't give me the fix I need. Used to
work/now it doesn't.

Someone in another post had same problem and none of the offered solutions
worked. He surmised the "issue" was due to one of the updates. Final advice
offered to him was same "save as pdf".

Hope someone answers you/our question. Nice to know "it's not just me".

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