PowerPoint Add-ins in .NET crash?


Andrei Csibi

I've created a PowerPoint Add-in in C# using the template
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;302901. But it seems
that even the basic example provided at this link will crash after I close
the PowerPoint. When I send the information for the crash to Microsoft they
say I should install the updates to Office 2003 (I have SP1 installed) and
SP1 for .NET Framework 1.1(also installed). The problem persists. I don't
know if it's happening just for PowerPoint or for other Office product (one
could use the same article to implement it for other Office products). Has
anyone tried to implement an add-in using this link and receive the same

Helmut Obertanner


personally i didn't used the sample, but...
i can see no Marshal.ReleaseComObject in there.
From my expirience for every COM Object that you use within your AddIn you
should call a Marshal.ReleaseComobject.

However, i'm not a Powerpoint Developer.

Freundliche Grüße / with regards

Helmut Obertanner
Technical Consultant

DATALOG Software AG | Zschokkestr. 36 | D-80687 Munich
web: www.datalog.de

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