Powerpoint animation order when animating "by series"



I think I have discovered a Powerpoint limitation.

I have created a chart with 5 series. My data sheet contains all 5 series
in the correct order in which I want them to display. When I apply the
custom animation (Chart Animation > By Series) it starts at the second
series! This might be because I changed the chart type of the first series
to a Stantard type. The other four are Custom Type > User Defined. Is there
a default setting at work here? Is it possible to change it?

I noticed that when you choose to alter the order of animations (for a
chart's worth--By Series) you can't alter the order as they are listed in the
Custom Animation list on the right side).

John Wilson

Not sure I know what you mean by "change the chart type of the first series"

Does "start at the second series" mean the first doesn't appear OR it's
there but doesnt animate OR it animates last?

John Wilson
Microsoft Certified Office Specialist



Thanks for your reply. I think I've narrowed down my question. It seems
that there is a default hierarchy for the animation sequence.

I have five series in my data sheet.

The first one is a line; the others are bars.

Here's the issue: When I animate the chart by series the line comes last!

I suspect there is a reason for this: because a line will be obliterated by
the succeeding bars. However, if I change the line to area it works
correctly! So I guess the hierarchy is area, bar and then line.

I'd really like to change this though if there is a way.

Do you know of any?


John Wilson

Yes it seems bars animate before lines! Never met t5his before

The only answer I can come up with is to ungroup the fininished chart twice
- the first will convert it and the second ungroup, Then animate the portions
line , all series 2 bars etc

This works fine but you wont be able to modify data once youve done it.

Andy Pope


I don't think you can change the hierarchy.

You could use the fact that an area chart comes before the columns in
the animation sequence. Add 2 extra data series plotted as a stacked
area. The first series will have the same values as the line. This will
be used as a padding series in order to get the second part of the area
chart in the same place as the line. Format the bottom part of the area
chart to have no fill or border. Format the second part, which will have
a very small value, to have a border the same style as your line. You
can remove the 2 area series from the legend.
Also you may need to reset the x axis to cross between categories.

So now when animating the area chart will put up a line. The columns
will then cover the temporary line as they appear. And finally the real
line will appear in front of the area and columns.


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