Manoj Pandole
I am making an automation application for Microsoft Office
in Visual Basic which runs powerpoint shows, this is a
command line utility, the application runs fine on a
system having Microsoft Office installed, but is their any
way i can use the application to run shows (just like
powerpoint viewer does it), on system not having Microsoft
Office. Because of the nature of the application where i
also do some operations on the Powerpoint shows like
disabling sound for a show, i can't use powerpoint viewer
for this. More precisely, can somebody tell me which dlls
i need to install on a system without Microsoft office to
run such an application. Please Help me out.
Manoj Pandole
I am making an automation application for Microsoft Office
in Visual Basic which runs powerpoint shows, this is a
command line utility, the application runs fine on a
system having Microsoft Office installed, but is their any
way i can use the application to run shows (just like
powerpoint viewer does it), on system not having Microsoft
Office. Because of the nature of the application where i
also do some operations on the Powerpoint shows like
disabling sound for a show, i can't use powerpoint viewer
for this. More precisely, can somebody tell me which dlls
i need to install on a system without Microsoft office to
run such an application. Please Help me out.
Manoj Pandole