PowerPoint automation with typelib



I'm trying to use automation in a simple MFC application in VS 2005. I've
created a CApplication class from the PowerPoint library typelib. It creates
the class fine, but it won't compile. There are various variables renamed and
not understood. Here are some examples...

c:\work\powerpointautomation\autoproject\autoproject\capplication.h(3) :
warning C4278: 'RGB': identifier in type library 'C:\\Program
Files\\Microsoft Office\\OFFICE11\\msppt.olb' is already a macro; use the
'rename' qualifier

c:\work\powerpointautomation\autoproject\autoproject\debug\msppt.tlh(414) :
error C2371: 'FontPtr' : redefinition; different basic types

c:\program files\microsoft visual studio 8\vc\include\comdef.h(312) : see
declaration of 'FontPtr'

c:\work\powerpointautomation\autoproject\autoproject\debug\msppt.tlh(1130) :
error C2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'GetRGB'

c:\work\powerpointautomation\autoproject\autoproject\debug\msppt.tlh(1963) :
error C2061: syntax error : identifier 'MsoRGBType'

And many more.



Actually i have. I found that using auto_search and auto_rename worked for
me. I actually ended up using a set of classes in a msppt8.h and msppt8.cpp
file set. I found these in some random example on the web and they have
worked great for me. I believe these are based on powerpoint 97 and there are
also msppt9.h/msppt9.cpp for PP 2000 and then the newest set is
msppt.h/msppt.cpp. Good luck. and let me know if you still need help. I'm
pretty new to this also, but I was able to make a library of classes for a
fellow C programmer to use.

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