PowerPoint beforeclose event


Tom Hyde

I am looking for the ability to auto save all opened PowerPoint presentations
when the PowerPoint application is closed (without any prompting). As an
add-in I can make use of the application Auto_Close, but at this event point,
the presentations have already been closed (losing the save)

Surfing around, I see Excel and Word have an event beforeclose, but this
does not exist in powerpoint?

Any thoughts on how I could get powerpoint presentations to autosave when
existing the application?

Austin Myers

If you don't have it, go to the Microsoft site and do a search for
"vbapp10.chm". Should be a big help.

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCPro, PFCMedia and PFCExpress

Tom Hyde

Thanks, Austin ... that helped just enough that and I was able to create a
EventClass to essentially hijack the PresentationClose event and do an

The process actually involved creating a Event class, and an auto_open macro
that initializes the class to be able to get at the App_PresentationClose
event. Then adding this as an add-in.

In the end it works great ... Thanks


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