PowerPoint - how to change slides in presentation without changing



I wish to suspend what's being projected (stay projecting one slide), while
viewing whatever I choose to view on my laptop screen to get to the slide I
wish to go to, then continue my presentation. Does anyone know how to go to
slides out of order without having the image project as I shuffle through
slides? That is - say I am presenting, and would like to go to slide number
15, but currently I'm on slide 10. I want my viewers to see number 10 until
I reach number 15. I don't want them to see as I scroll through slides 11,
12, 13, and 14. I see the "go to" function where you type the number of the
slide you wish to go to, and then that slide is projected. However, I don't
always know what slide number...

Bill Dilworth

How to do this depends on the SlideShow mode you are using.

If you are using dual monitors, where the show is displayed on the screen
while either the presenters view or the edit view is displayed on the
laptop, then simply click to the edit pane and scroll for the image you
want. Then click on the Resume button and type the number of the slide to
jump to.

If you are using a single monitor set-up (even if you have both a projector
and your laptop screen connected), where the projector and the laptop
display show the exact same thing, then you will need to use the projector's
freeze or hold function (if available) to keep the picture on the screen
from changing while you search for your next slide. You will need to be
very careful of doing the following in the right sequence. In an active
slide show, press the freeze button on the projector and remember the slide
number you are on (and possibly the animation build level). Then use the
Escape key to end the slide show on the laptop. Navigate to the slideyou
want to find. Remember the number. Now, restart your slide show and jump
to the slide you have showing on the screen and advance to the correct
animation build. Again press the freeze button to unfreeze the projector
(there should be no change since you are back to the exact same image as
before the freeze was begun. Now you can type the slide number that you
looked up.

As you can tell, the first is the method that is less likely to cause
problems, but you should know both. For more on dual monitors, check:
**A Multiple Monitor Tutorial by PowerPoint MVP Chirag Dalal


Bill Dilworth
Microsoft PPT MVP Team
Users helping fellow users.
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out www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
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you think to ask them.

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