PowerPoint image fonts corrupt when pasted into Word text box


Alexander Ljubimov

I also don't know how to send a bug report to MS Office for Mac team nut
would like to report one.
When we submit NIH grants (Word files), oftentimes we need to put
figures in it. The regular way is to make them in PowerPoint, copy and
paste into a text box in a Word document. That worked fine for me until
I got Office 2004. What happens now, some pictures are OK but some have
the fonts displayed as black gibberish (looks like the black font now
has a black background). It is not the screen glitch since it prints
like that too. Sometimes, making a new PowerPoint file helps but not
always. This issue can also be duplicated if you want to edit picture in
the text box, say, increase contrast. The picture remains OK but the
embedded fonts around the picture again show the ugly black thing.
Funnily enough, these ugly transformations disappear when the file is
brought to a machine running Office 2001 on a System 9. Any ideas how to
fix this?
P.S. It has been duplicated on two machines, both virus-free running OS
10.3.9 and 10.4.2.
Thanks a lot for help.
Alex Ljubimov

Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Alex,

I thought this problem was corrected in the Office 2004 updates. Have
you installed the latest update?


Alexander Ljubimov

Jim said:
Hi Alex,

I thought this problem was corrected in the Office 2004 updates. Have
you installed the latest update?

Hi, Jim
Yes, I have installed all available updates including the latest one
released this or last month (I now have Word 11.2). The problem persists
on two computers. I now recall that Office X did not have this problem.
It is interesting that no one else mentioned the bug and that you know
about it.

Another thing that bugs me (no pun intended!) is that the Microsoft guys
did not enable keyboard symbol insert in PowerPoint that works so nicely
in Word. Would have helped people working with different languages (I
mean Greek symbols primarily).

Jim Gordon MVP

Hi Alex,

I can't take credit for knowing or not knowing this particular font
problem. I do know some work was done on fonts for the update, so I was
just inquiring. If you had not already installed the update I would have
suggested that you try. But since you have already done so that
obviously didn't help this time.

Someone from Microsoft will probably notice your suggestion about
Keyboard shortcuts and log it for possible inclusion in a future version
of Powerpoint.


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