PowerPoint Live ticket 4sale



I am looking for someone who would like to take my spot at the
PowerPoint Live conference in New Orleans Oct. 27 - 31. I signed up
early so only paid $795. Please contact me directly at
(e-mail address removed) if you are interested in buying my spot. Thanks!
PowerPoint Live is a GREAT conference with a limit of 250 attendees.
You can check it out at: http://www.altman.com/conferences/powerpoint_live/faq.htm
They are almost completely sold out and Rick Altman (the organizer)
suggested that I try to find a replacement.


Glen Millar

Hi Viv,

Good luck with finding a replacement. Pity you wont be there!


Glen Millar
Microsoft PPT MVP

Tutorials and PowerPoint animations at
the original www.pptworkbench.com
glen at pptworkbench dot com

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