PowerPoint Live's Tell A Friend Program


Rick Altman

We are looking forward to an absolutely fantastic second season of
PowerPoint Live. We'll feature many of the names that you have come to know
and love here at the newsgroup, blended with some of the most skilled
PowerPoint creators and presenters that you will find anywhere on Earth.

With just over one month to go, we have a completely ridiculous idea on how
to fill up the few seats that remain. With apologies to whatever shampoo
company used it a generation ago, we are calling it our Tell a Friend
program. If two colleagues or co-workers register for the conference

- One of you pays the regular price of $795.

- The second one pays just $125 and that is not a typo. That's one
hundred and twenty-five dollars.

In order to take us up on this foolish idea, here is what you need to do:

1. Visit the website at www.powerpointlive.com and click Register.

2. Fill out the registration form and in the Comments field, type "I am a
friend of ________."

3. Immediately repeat this process for your friend, making sure to say "I am
a friend of ______ [you]."

The optional Sunday Crash Courses are extra. This is very much a
limited-time offer: we reserve the right to come to our senses at any moment
in time. Or when we sell out...whichever comes first. If you have already
registered for the conference and want to add a friend, please contact us at

conferences AT altman DOT com

for instructions.


PowerPoint Live is a learning event just for users, and we know exactly how
to create an environment that users would enjoy and benefit from. From the
moment you arrive, you are made to feel welcome, and from the moment that
the seminars and workshops begin, you are immersed in a learning environment
that you will not find anywhere else in the world. Whether you are the
presentation designer, the presenter, the trainer, the head of the team, or
all of the above, you will have a unique opportunity to learn from the true
masters of the industry and a chance to meet many of your peers.

The learning is the most important component of PowerPoint Live, but not the
only one. We also host an all-day Expo, featuring two dozen companies with
goods and services just for PowerPoint users. Many of the vendors will be
offering special conference pricing, and we'll guilt most of them into
giving us a few freebies that we'll award as prizes (even some hardware...at
least one XGA projector).

We go out of our way to make sure you meet your peers and have an
opportunity to connect in a genuine way with them. Many of the relationships
you create will be lasting -- solid business contacts, life-long friends,
and email buddies that you know you can contact when you need help with a
project. And no baloney, three couples have met at our conferences and
gotten married (at one, the maid of honor was a conference patron, too!). It
is not an exaggeration when we say that this is an event that has changed
people's lives.

All of the information about the event is at the conference website,
www.powerpointlive.com. Oh, and did I mention that San Diego in October
averages a high of 80 and a low of 70...?

Rick Altman
The PowerPoint Live User Conference
October 10-13, San Diego CA

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