Hi, have you got any answer? I think you have to do two
1. You have got a ppt-presentation. You have to save it
again as a ppa-format. It will be something called addins.
You have now two files, one ppt and one ppa. You can use
the same name.
2. You have to activate this ppa by the menu Tools, Addins
and then you click on your file ppa. As soon you have been
editing a macro you have to save the ppa again.
1. You have got a ppt-presentation. You have to save it
again as a ppa-format. It will be something called addins.
You have now two files, one ppt and one ppa. You can use
the same name.
2. You have to activate this ppa by the menu Tools, Addins
and then you click on your file ppa. As soon you have been
editing a macro you have to save the ppa again.