PowerPoint Presentation Mode Display Problem



When I switch to slide show mode in PP, I do not see the full slide UNLESS I
have my resolution set to native mode (1400 x 1050). I have it set at 1024 x
768...........I need to have it at this setting as in native mode stuff is
too small.......


PPT should make the frame fit your laptop screen regardless of the
resolution you set the laptop to. I am going to assume your page setup is
set to "on screen show" which is a 3:4 aspect ratio. It should appear
almost full screen at 1400x1050, with a small black border on the sides, as
I believe that 1400x1050 is wider than 3 by 4.

What is your "page setup" set as?


Page setup isset as "on screen show." Laptop resolution is set at 1024 x
768. When I view PPT in slide show mode it "overflows" the screen. If I
change monitor resolution to 1400 x 1050, then it shows up fine in slide show
mode. But at this resolution, Outlook, etc. is too small to read. Does this
make the problem clearer?


Yes, it is unfortunately clear. Unfortunate because it doesn't make sense
to me. Not that I am one of the true gurus here (where ARE you guys?)
ANYWAY, try this. go to the slide show menu, pick "set up show" and look at
the bottom of the dialog box. See what slide show resolution you are set
at. The default is "use current resolution". If it is not set to that,
note what it says (and let me know what it is), then change it to "use
current resolution". Then see what happens.

I want to say that it also might be a video card issue but I cannot imagine
exactly how it could be so.



well that theory is probably wrong. I just lowered my resolution to 800x600
as a test, then tried setting my show resolution to a setting higher than
that, and there was no option to set it higher than the screen res. The
same result when my screen was set to other resolutions as well.


Seems like I'm stuck then having to reset the resolution on my laptop
whenever I need to present PPT in presentation mode..................then
changing back after presentation...........seems hard to believe this is
necessary but i certainly haven't cracked the code....................I
appreciate you trying to help.


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