For a standard slide, sized for 8.5"x11", how do I print it out to be 400%
sized, meaning it would print out on multiple pages to be pieced together?
(I'm trying to see the effect of a presentation board, given a certain size)
Also, if I were to upload a slide to a printing service, how do I set the
size of the slide so that, when they print it out on, say, 36"x48" paper, the
slide is appropriately large?
Thank you,
sized, meaning it would print out on multiple pages to be pieced together?
(I'm trying to see the effect of a presentation board, given a certain size)
Also, if I were to upload a slide to a printing service, how do I set the
size of the slide so that, when they print it out on, say, 36"x48" paper, the
slide is appropriately large?
Thank you,