PowerPoint Read Only



I've seen a question about "how do I remove read-only
from a file on CD-RW, and the respnse that CD-RW is Read
Only Memory (ROM) - no way to make changes to a file on a
CD-RW. Only way around it is to create the presentation
on C:\ and save final product on CD-RW.

Then I see a question about how to make a file on CD-RW
read only. Like theirs doesn't automatically become read

What's the scoop?

Is it true that it is impossible to make changes and save
to a file on CD-RW?


Jim Gordon MVP

Hi B,

If Roxio or someone were to make a program that treated a CD-RW as a hard
disk or floppy drive I suspect that it might be uncomfortably slow when
using applications like PowerPoint that use many temporary files in addition
to the files that you see.

Because you need special software to burn a CD, whether it is CD-R or CD-RW
the PowerPoint file is read-only for both types of media.

On the other hand, there was a file extension (Adeptec DirectCD) for OS 8 &
9 that would treat a CD-R as a floppy until it filled up. Maybe someone
knows of a similar thing for OSX.

-Jim Gordon

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Steve Rindsberg

If Roxio or someone were to make a program that treated a CD-RW as a hard
disk or floppy drive

They do for the PC and people are forever corrupting their work by saving
presentations to the things.
Bad idea, at least where PowerPoint is concerned. In general, saving PPTs
directly to ANY kind of removable media is a bad idea.
Best to save to the local HDD then use the operating system to copy the
files to their final destination.

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