You can't have more than one template, so that problem doesn't exist.
You can, however, have more than one slide master in a presentation.
That's what you mean here, I think:
I'm not sure this problem can be solved in a generic way. Consider:
You have Presentation A whose template (and 5 slide masters) you want to
You have Presentation B that you want to apply the template TO.
B has 20 slides. How do you decide which of the five masters in A to
apply to
each of the 20 slides?
But you can "import" the slide masters from one presentation to another
something like this:
Sub ImportDesigns
Dim SourcePres as Presentation
Dim TargetPres as Presentation
Dim x as Long
Set TargetPres = ActivePresentation
Set SourcePres = Presentations.Open("path_to_target.ppt")
For x = 1 to SourcePres.Designs.Count
TargetPres.Designs.Clone SourcePres.Designs(x), TargetPres.Designs.Count
+ 1
End Sub
Steve Rindsberg, PPT MVP