Powerpoint text wrap problem (again)



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

Follow up to the below post:


I'm a recent Mac convert and loving it, except for this one thing...

I am suffering this exact same problem with most of the ppt files I receive from one person (lecturer). Some slides are fine, some are complete garbage e.g.

-If the true CEF is
r in X, OLS is the sample estimate of the CEF

-Even if
F not linear, OLS gives Best Linear Predictor

Not sure how to (or if I'm allowed to) post examples I'm afraid. If I copy and paste the text into a new document the problem repeats itself. Resizing the text or deleting part moves the line breaks to different points in the sentence. It typically seems to split individual words, character by character, across several lines, usually near the beginning of the sentence.

I tried to look for special characters as mentioned in the prior post, but couldn't find anything.

If it's any help, the files load up fine in Neooffice (downloaded solely for this purpose) or Open Office (although then the equations don't behave themselves).

I'd be grateful for any help, particularly if there's a way to fix the files all at once, as I have about 20 of them.


Just speculating based on what I've seen in similar circumstances but I'm
convinved that it's a font issue most likely caused by indiscriminate
copy/paste from web sources by the other user. If I'm right, there is
absolutely nothing you can do from your end to control their behavior :)

If you can email a copy of the file I'll be happy to take a look - although
I can't guarantee the result. As indicated by one of the responders in the
post you cited the anomaly doesn't show up on all systems. You can zip it &
send to:


Be sure to use the Subject: jdq310PPt in order to get it through my spam

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