PowerPoint unable to open my own files



Version: 2004
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Power PC

Hi I've searched everywhere for help with this problem. PowerPoint stops responding when I try to open up a file. I can make a new file but not retrieve an existing file. The open file screen goes to infinity horizontally while looking fine vertically. I am not experiencing this trouble with Word or Excel.

I'm using PowerPoint 11.5.1 (for some reason it will not update even though I installed the latest 11.5.4 update) My Word is 11.5.3 version and Excel is 11.5.4 version - go figure. All of these get updated automatically as part of my student Office 2004 for Mac

Could I have a virus in my PowerPoint? and is it possible to reinstall just PowerPoint and not the whole Office Suite if necessary?


There's virtually no likelihood of a virus & re-installing is even more
rarely the approach to take on a Mac :)

If you're using the Leopard feature called "Spaces" try turning it off to
see if the problem persists. Even though 2004 isn't known to have a specific
issue with Spaces it seems to cause occasional conflicts. If that doesn't
correct it...

The first suggestion is that you obtain the OS X Leopard 10.5.6 Combo
Update. Apply that, repair disk permissions, then restart your Mac. Here's a
link to the update:


Your Office version numbers are correct - the number only changes for those
apps affected by the update.

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