PowerPoint/Word 2000 automation



What I am trying to do through PP is activate Word and
display the Word fileopen dialog box, have the user
select a document, open the Word document, then switch to
PowerPoint and display the fileopen dialog box, have the
user select the presentation, and then have the PP
presentation open. The Word document opens successfully,
and the switch to PP appears successful with the FileOpen
dialog box displaying for the user to select the
presentation. But when I select the presentation from the
dialog box, the presentation does not open, and I get no
errors. If I paste this code in a module by itself, the
presentation will open. BTW, the code is in Powerpoint.
The code for the PP part of it is a follows:

Public WordApp As Word.Application
Public ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Public ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation

Public Sub GetPptFile()

'Activate PowerPoint and navigate to presentation to

WordApp.WindowState = 2
Dim ppApp As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
Set ppApp = GetObject(, "PowerPoint.Application")

ppApp.Visible = True

With ppApp.FileDialog(ppFileDialogOpen)

' Set file filter flags
Call .Extensions.Add("*.PPT", "PowerPoint
Call .Extensions.Add("*.PPS", "PowerPoint Show")

.ActionButtonName = "Open"
.DefaultDirectoryRegKey = "Default"
.DialogTitle = "Open"
.DirectoriesOnly = False
.InitialView = ppFileDialogViewPreview
.IsMultiSelect = False
.IsPrintEnabled = False
.IsReadOnlyEnabled = True
.OnAction = "ProcessSelection"
.UseODMADlgs = False

End With

End Sub

Public Sub ProcessSelection(ByVal oDlg As FileDialog)

If oDlg.Files.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Presentations.Open oDlg.Files(1)

End Sub

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