PowerPoint X Show Crashes



I'm using PowerPoint X (updated to 10.1.5) to create a show, but it
keeps on crashing. When I save (save as) the show, it crashes
PowerPoint entirely. (The same show runs fine in PowerPoint 2001
under Classic 9 but I have limited access to the computer with
2001/Classic 9.)

I've deleted, reinstalled and re-updated Office X, but ithe show is
still crashing. Someone else built the initial slides (in PowerPoint
2001 I think), and I don't have time to go back to square one and
completely rebuild the show. At the moment the show just has type and
GIFs in it, but eventually it will also contain a movie. Could it be
some element within the show that's making it crash? Can anyone think
of items I should check within the show, or any other possible

Mickey Stevens

I'm using PowerPoint X (updated to 10.1.5) to create a show, but it
keeps on crashing. When I save (save as) the show, it crashes
PowerPoint entirely. (The same show runs fine in PowerPoint 2001
under Classic 9 but I have limited access to the computer with
2001/Classic 9.)

In PowerPoint -> Preferences, under the "Save" tab, make sure the option to
"Allow Fast Saves" is unchecked.
I've deleted, reinstalled and re-updated Office X, but ithe show is
still crashing.

It sounds like this one presentation is corrupt.
Someone else built the initial slides (in PowerPoint
2001 I think), and I don't have time to go back to square one and
completely rebuild the show. At the moment the show just has type and
GIFs in it, but eventually it will also contain a movie. Could it be
some element within the show that's making it crash? Can anyone think
of items I should check within the show, or any other possible

I would try to eliminate corruption in the presentation itself. Create a
new blank presentation in PowerPoint, and save it under a new name. Then,
go to Format -> Slide Design, choose to show all documents, and choose the
corrupt PowerPoint file. Now, go to Insert -> Slides from File, and select
the corrupt PowerPoint file. Make sure you are set to insert all slides,
and then import. If that works, great! I suspect, however, that you might
crash at that point. If so, try repeating the process, inserting specific
slides one by one until you find the problem one.

More tips can be found here:

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