powertoys toolbar buttons



Something is preventing me from editing the toolbar buttons of the powertoy
add-ins. When i go to "tools" "customize" I can edit just about any other
button or menu item, but the powertoys buttons don't let me touch them, edit
them, or move them. It is like they've been locked. ALL the other buttons
are editable and movable.

What I would like to do, for example, is move the two the "favorites"
powertoy buttons together, they were installed in two separate places. I
would also like to shorten some of the names of the buttons. Or move them to
another tool bar, etc.


John Guin [msft]

Hi there,

As far as I know, addin buttons cannot be modified by the toolbar UI.

to change the text labels, though, you can edit the registry key which sets
the name. You can either search through the registry looking for "Table of
Content" fo example, or go to
http://blogs.msdn.com/descapa/archive/2006/08/31/734298.aspx to look at the
documentation for where the keys exist. Either way, change the text for
"ButtonText" to whatever you want.

And using the directions there, you can change which toolbar the icons use.
For instance, changing the "CommandBar" key to 4 will put the icon on the
Drawing toolbar.

It's a little bit of a hassle to move and change these things, but it is
possible without having to recompile the addin.

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