PPS works perfectly w/ powerpoint - NO SOUND with ppviewer!!!!!



running ppt 2000; ppviewer 2003;

apologies for starting a new thread; but my old problem evolved into a
new issue altogether.

I've burned a pps presentation that uses mp3 files for sound onto a

I've taken care so that NO full paths exist in the links to the mp3's.

if I load the pps file into powerpoint - it works perfectly, sound &

if I load the pps file into the pp viewer - NO SOUNDS!!!

can anyone give me a freaking clue?
I've spend 16 hours messing with this only to find the problem was
never with my presentation, but with the dam viewer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

tia - Bob

PTT, Inc.

Did you put your sound files in the same folder as your presentation BEFORE
you inserted them into your presentation? If not, try doing that then burn
it and it should work.

Bill Foley


Yes, Bill, I did do that... (please read my reply to myself for more

tx very much for your reply!!


running ppt 2000; ppviewer 2003;

I've burned a pps presentation that uses mp3 files for sound onto a

I've taken care so that NO full paths exist in the links to the mp3's.

if I load the pps file into powerpoint - it works perfectly, sound &

if I load the pps file into the pp viewer - NO SOUNDS!!!

can anyone give me a freaking clue?

(In reply to myself) - I've worked out the solution:

(re: sound file links - ie: adding them from the same folder)
the first time thru I did NOT have them in the same folder (I
foolishly and illogically put them in a "music" folder). I
subsequently learned about the fact that you have ABSOLUTELY NO
CONTROL of links what-so-ever (thanks VERY F'g much to some imbecile
ms programmer). I then had to DELETE & re-ADD every sound link in my
[now] 170 MEG presentation.

To add insult to injury - I just discovered that if I replaced ms's -
so called latest & greatest - 2003 viewer with the 2000 version
viewer, that my 170 M pps which takes 15 MINUTES to load w/ ppviwer
2003 (and has NO SOUND) - now loads INSTANTANIOUSLY and has PERFECT

I've spent 30+ man hours F'g around with a presentation that was
perfect (after deleting & re-adding sound links) all because ms's
imbecilic programmers can't produce a viewer that works retroactively
with their own f'g software's files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw - the 30+ hrs does NOT include the 2 hours I spent deleting &
re-adding sound links. (thanks again ms)

you can bet this will be the LAST time (it was the first time too) I
do a presentation using powerpoint.

anyone have an opinion on what's a good presentation software package?

sorry to "bend your eye's" - but I really had to vent.
tx again to all that replied!!!

PS: may the moronic, imbecile, idiot of a programmer(s) that didn't
allow for relative paths in links; and can't produce a viewer that
works with a presentation only 1 version old; who clearly doesn't even
have the collective intellegence of a swarm of retarded tsi-tsi flies
(which are already considered the dumbest insect to begin with); may
he/she/they rot in hell for all of eternity alongside their managers,
beta-testers, and designers; of whom, clearly, not one single person
EVER wrote a serious presentation.

PPS: to the ms people reading this - DO NOT even consider replying to
me, and tell me to go give feedback thru your feedback channel (as
I've seen in MANY of your replies to others).
TO GO. Your company has already sucked enough hours from my life
needlessly. I'm not wasting any more of my time.

To everyone else; I do hope that I've entertained with my tyrade;
and please do yourselves a favor, and find another presentation app!!


Austin Myers

Bob, now tell us how you really feel. <g>

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Bob said:
running ppt 2000; ppviewer 2003;

I've burned a pps presentation that uses mp3 files for sound onto a

I've taken care so that NO full paths exist in the links to the mp3's.

if I load the pps file into powerpoint - it works perfectly, sound &

if I load the pps file into the pp viewer - NO SOUNDS!!!

can anyone give me a freaking clue?

(In reply to myself) - I've worked out the solution:

(re: sound file links - ie: adding them from the same folder)
the first time thru I did NOT have them in the same folder (I
foolishly and illogically put them in a "music" folder). I
subsequently learned about the fact that you have ABSOLUTELY NO
CONTROL of links what-so-ever (thanks VERY F'g much to some imbecile
ms programmer). I then had to DELETE & re-ADD every sound link in my
[now] 170 MEG presentation.

To add insult to injury - I just discovered that if I replaced ms's -
so called latest & greatest - 2003 viewer with the 2000 version
viewer, that my 170 M pps which takes 15 MINUTES to load w/ ppviwer
2003 (and has NO SOUND) - now loads INSTANTANIOUSLY and has PERFECT

I've spent 30+ man hours F'g around with a presentation that was
perfect (after deleting & re-adding sound links) all because ms's
imbecilic programmers can't produce a viewer that works retroactively
with their own f'g software's files!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

btw - the 30+ hrs does NOT include the 2 hours I spent deleting &
re-adding sound links. (thanks again ms)

you can bet this will be the LAST time (it was the first time too) I
do a presentation using powerpoint.

anyone have an opinion on what's a good presentation software package?

sorry to "bend your eye's" - but I really had to vent.
tx again to all that replied!!!

PS: may the moronic, imbecile, idiot of a programmer(s) that didn't
allow for relative paths in links; and can't produce a viewer that
works with a presentation only 1 version old; who clearly doesn't even
have the collective intellegence of a swarm of retarded tsi-tsi flies
(which are already considered the dumbest insect to begin with); may
he/she/they rot in hell for all of eternity alongside their managers,
beta-testers, and designers; of whom, clearly, not one single person
EVER wrote a serious presentation.

PPS: to the ms people reading this - DO NOT even consider replying to
me, and tell me to go give feedback thru your feedback channel (as
I've seen in MANY of your replies to others).
TO GO. Your company has already sucked enough hours from my life
needlessly. I'm not wasting any more of my time.

To everyone else; I do hope that I've entertained with my tyrade;
and please do yourselves a favor, and find another presentation app!!



I have one request, Bob.

Purchase a small stuffed animal (name it Bill, if you want) and keep it by
your computer for the floggings (verbal or whatever). I use PowerPoint
because I like PowerPoint. It can be difficult at times, like my teenagers,
but I think I'll keep them around for a while. Sometimes I have to force
them, but generally they do the stuff I need them to; it's mostly a matter
of learning how to tell them what you want done.

In most news forums and help sites, your obvious anger and frustration would
have make the people that could help you the most, simply delete your
message. Beat up the toy instead. Offer suggestions to the MS wish site.
Beat up the toy some more. Ask questions. Use Voodoo pins on the toy.
Search the help sites. Occasionally patch the toy. Look at some of the
other presentation software packages. Strangle the toy.

Strong feelings are fine, but when voiced, often do not encourage people to
want to become involved with helping you.

I don't work for MS or any MS companies, but I do think they put out a
pretty good product. It works across many platforms and has abilities that
exceed 99% of the users' needs. Sure some things are not as automatic as
they could be, some parts have bugs, and some controls are counter-intuitive
but over all I still give it a 9 out of 10. Perhaps you could write better
presentation software. If you did and it is, you'll make a fortune
(remember what they said about building a better mousetrap). Maybe, if you
made it compatible with enough other stuff (picture formats, movie formats,
sounds formats, charts, graphs, fonts, OS's, math equation formating, etc.),
MS would even offer to buy it from you. Think about it, BobPoint 2004 & you
reclining on a tropical island beach working on your tan instead of CD based

Please spend a few minutes checking vestprog2@
out www.pptfaq.com This link will yahoo.
answer most of our questions, before com
you think to ask them.

Change org to com to defuse anti-spam,
ant-virus, anti-nuisance misdirection.


And Bob, make sure you take digitial pictures of all these
various stages of flogging the Bill toy. Then you can use
PowerPoint's photo album feature and show us how you
really feel...

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