I have got a bit further than yesterday..
Word and Excel allow you to save a document in 2007 format via the VBA
SaveAs/Save commands by specifying the appropriate file type (in excel 2003
the file type is the same as excel 2007 (ie 51) , In Word 2003, its 100(the
number for the first installed text converter and different to the 2007
setting). You can work out this setting by recording a marco to obtain the
This approach does not work for Powerpoint as tryring to records a macro
with a Save As command and selecting pptx crashes powerpoint (or a least
stops and tells you "something bad" has happened and to restart power point)
By changing the default save format in Power Point and hacking the registry,
I have determined the internal value being used is "21" (its 24 in PP2007!).
When you use this value in VBA, the Save As command executes but does
nothing(ie doesnt save the document but also doesn't generate an error!)
So the real question, Is it possible for PowerPoint to access Converters
from VBA's SaveAs command