ppt 2002 v slow


Spikey Mikey

Apologies if this has been discussed at length before (if so I didn't
find it) but I recently upgraded to 2002 (from 2000) and it is so much
slower and jerkier than 2000! Yes, the design features and
presentation options are much better but the final presentation - the
raison d'etre - is pants compared with 2000.

OK I could cut down the resolution but why should I when it runs
perfect in 2000? It doesn't seem to matter how high-end the PC is
even when running MS XP.

There must be an answer/fix or have I bought a pup?


TAJ Simmons

We interrupt this post to provide a public translation:

Translation...."is pants"....particular UK dialect word meaing "is rubbish
or not very good" not to be confused with the (USA) outerwear trouser



Have you updated your video driver since you upgraded? I would recommend
that as a start. Performance is also impacted by resource availability. If
you have other applications loaded and/or anti-virus software running, that
too can cause performance problems.

Sonia, MS PowerPoint MVP Team
(Tutorials and Autorun CD Project Creator)
PowerPoint Live! - Featured Speaker
Tucson, AZ; October 12-15, 2003

Spikey Mikey


"pants" is in fact UK dialect which you have accurately translated.
It can also refer to gentlemans and ladies undergarments!


I will try the drivers and turn off NAV. Why does the latter not
affect PPT 2000?


Phill Power

Spikey said:

"pants" is in fact UK dialect which you have accurately translated.
It can also refer to gentlemans and ladies undergarments!


I will try the drivers and turn off NAV. Why does the latter not
affect PPT 2000?


Wotcha Geezah! 'bout bloody time we got nother Brit in ere, these
bloomin' Merkins ain't got a Scooby, mate!

'ave a butchers at the Performance section (Slide show -> Set up show) &
try tinkering with the settings & compare the outcomes. It depends on
your hardware, but I found that my laptops (with Ati M9000 64meg
1600x1200 gfx cards) work best/fastest with 'Use hardware acceleration'
turned OFF & resolution set to [Use Current Resolution], but you'd best
suck it & see...


-=<[email protected]>=-
tel +44 (0)1722 501084
mob +44 (0)7718 207715
fax +44 (0)1722 500739

Steve Rindsberg

And they make fun of *us* for playing tricks on the language??



Steve Rindsberg PPT MVP
PPTLive ( http://www.pptlive.com ) Featured Speaker
PPTools: http://www.pptools.com
PPT FAQ: http://www.pptfaq.com

Phill Power said:
Spikey said:

"pants" is in fact UK dialect which you have accurately translated.
It can also refer to gentlemans and ladies undergarments!


I will try the drivers and turn off NAV. Why does the latter not
affect PPT 2000?


Wotcha Geezah! 'bout bloody time we got nother Brit in ere, these
bloomin' Merkins ain't got a Scooby, mate!

'ave a butchers at the Performance section (Slide show -> Set up show) &
try tinkering with the settings & compare the outcomes. It depends on
your hardware, but I found that my laptops (with Ati M9000 64meg
1600x1200 gfx cards) work best/fastest with 'Use hardware acceleration'
turned OFF & resolution set to [Use Current Resolution], but you'd best
suck it & see...


-=<[email protected]>=-
tel +44 (0)1722 501084
mob +44 (0)7718 207715
fax +44 (0)1722 500739

Spikey Mikey

Ok Back to the original question.

I think I have sussed what is causing the slow running. I had
originally created the presentation on PPT 2000. The slide master
featured a narrow (header) image at the top and a similar one at the
base of each slide. In front of the header one was the slide title.
The slide title had no animation but the header wiped down to reveal
the slide title and the footer image wiped up. Each slide had a wipe
from top transition. This worked fine in 2000 but was realllllly
sloooooow in 2002! I eventually had to drop the animations and only
have the slide transition. Which was OK but not quite what I had in

I don't know whether it was the pre-loading of the header image or
what that caused the slow running. I also noticed that some slide
titles were nice and smooth and others were jaggy - no logic to which
were which!

I really like the enhanced animations tho.


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