Ppt file stored on intranet, want some links to open in new window




Background: I've created an e-learning sort of presentation (PowerPoint
2003), with lots of animation, links to some Word 2003 documents and links to
some demos (swf files embedded in html files), and uploaded it to our
intranet. Users see it with IE6. Users click on the link to the ppt and
click through the presentation at their own pace, clicking the optional links
to the demos to see how something is done, and clicking the optional document
links for supporting notes.

Problem: I would like to have the demos and documents open ina separate
window. They don't at the moment, and users are taken back to the web page
containing the link to the presentation get back to the presentation after
viewing the link

Possible solutions already explored: I need to retain the animation
functionality so dont want to convert to html. I am not able to change the
browser settings.

Does anyone have any ideas as to how I can progress this?

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