PPT2007 slow in outline view


Villem Teder


I've noticed lately when I use a typical file for surtitles, things are a
little slow when navigating around the outline pane when in normal view. It
takes a few seconds to display the slide selected, and to scroll up and down
the outline. As the file size gets bigge, the more it seems to slow down.
When looking at slides instead, it is almost instantaneous. Before I go
blaming PPT, i suspect it is more related to my hardware. It is an IBM
notebook, 2 Gig P 4, but with only a 16M video system.

Is this typical? I'm in the process of looking for a much more modern
computer, and hope that this would not be an issue then. I remember back in
the days of PPT3 on a '386, that displays of pages that were more text
oriented took longer than pages that were of a more grapgical nature.


Villem Teder

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