pre-programming emails



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

is there a way I can pre-program emails to go out? I would like to send an email on the 1st of each month, and it would be nice if I could simply create those emails now, and have my computer send them when the time comes.

Michel Bintener

You could do so, using a combination of iCal and Automator. This, however,
means that you will need to have either the Standard or the Special Media
Edition of Office 2008. If this sounds like an interesting option, and if
you have one of the editions of Office I have just mentioned, post back and
I'll give you detailed instructions.


How do I check to see which edition of Office I have? I assume it's the standard one... I know it's 2008 version 12.2.0.

I would greatly appreciate any instructions you can give.

thank you


Michel Bintener

The box says which edition it is. You can also verify through one of the
following methods

a) open Automator and see if there are any workflows for the Office
b) open Entourage, go to Tools>Accounts and see if you can create an
Exchange account

If none of the options I've just listed work, you have the Home & Student
edition, and the solution below is not going to work.

Step 1: Create a workflow or an application in Automator that contains the
following steps, in this order: Create New Entourage Mail Message -> Send
Outgoing Entourage Mail Messages. Fill in the necessary details, such as the
recipients, the text body and the subject line, then save the

Step 2: Create an event (recurring or non-recurring) in iCal that takes
place on the 1st of each month. I do not know if you need to send the same
message each month, but if that is the case, you ought to create a recurring
event, i.e. an event that repeats itself automatically on the first day of
each month. To do that, click on Repeat, Custom, and choose Frequency:
Monthly, Every 1 Month(s), Each 1. Click OK, then create an alarm that
triggers the action Open File. Choose the Automator workflow/application you
have just created, and that should be it.

If anything's unclear, post back. Keep in mind that if you have the Home &
Student edition, you could still set up a similar solution using Mail
instead of Entourage.

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