Predefined bookmarks cannot be modified?



I have a template with a dialog box. If a checkbox is not
checked, the line containing the bookmark is deleted when
the dialog box is closed, like so:
If UserForm1.CheckBox1.Value = False Then
End If
I tried using Documents("") instead, and that
didn't work either.
How do you delete a line with a bookmark in it? I am using
the bookmark to identify the line. Should I be doing this
some other way? Thanks.

Jonathan West

Hi Robert,

This line


deletes a bookmark.

This line


deletes the text marked by a bookmark.

You cannot delete predefined bookmarks, but yoiu can delete the text marked
by them, so you can do this



Robert said:
How do you delete a line with a bookmark in it? I am using
the bookmark to identify the line. Should I be doing this
some other way? Thanks.

Robert, this may help. You asked about how to delete a line with a
bookmark in it, where the bookmark identifies the line. As an
alternative, you could define the *whole* line as a bookmark, and then
delete the bookmark:

Selection.GoTo What:=wdGoToBookmark, Name:=("bookmarkname")


Note, however, that after you have deleted the bookmark, you cannot
refer to it again.

Also, the "line" could, of course, be any amount of text. I use the
above code in a template that deletes many pages of text, where all the
pages are defined by one bookmark. Very useful for removing unwanted
clauses in a legal agreement, for example.

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