Predictive Model Needs Macro Timer!



I've created a real-time predictive model engine using excel as the

I use a real-time database built inside excel using part static data
and part live data through a real-time DDE feed from a third party. I
have no problem running macros that update any of my databases
containing data for one day and up (Weekly, Monthly, etc.).

However, I now need to build 6 more real-time databases in excel with
Time Intervals LESS than 1 day. This means Intra-Day updates of the
data using the update Macros. Doing this manually would be a real pain
and not very practical to boot.

I need to update these new databases in real-time at SPECIFIC time
intervals (i.e., 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min, 2 hours, and 4 hours)
and I don't want to have to sit in front of the computer running manual
macros all day long.

I need a way to execute the macros responsible for doing the database
updates *every “X “number of minutes* WITHOUT having that sheet
containing the macro in state condition (i.e., active and visible on

So, I need a *“Macro Timer”* of sorts that will run in the background
at fixed time intervals while allowing me to continue working in other
excel sheets/workbooks.

Possible - or Pipe Dream?

Thanks a bunch!

Leith Ross

Hello MacroOnTime,

You need an API Timer. I have the macro code for this. This will run i
the background and allow you to work on other things. However, th
workbook must remain Open for the timer to work since it is called fro
VBA. If this will work for you, contact me via e-mail and I can e-mai
the code to you. Please include the version of Office you are using. M
e-mail is (e-mail address removed).

Leith Ros

Tushar Mehta

For what you want to do, XL's OnTime method is probably the easiest to
you. See, which, in addition
to describing the OnTime method, also describes the API timer routines.
Do be aware that there are differences in how the two behave.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

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