Hi Mark:
Yes, Bob is a volunteer. So am I, and so is anyone else who tries to help
in here. I checked everything Bob posted on this subject, but I did not see
him "speaking for Microsoft" anywhere? Please do share where you saw that??
However, Bob is an MVP, as am I. This means he has indeed seen every fault
report that has appeared in here in the past five years or so. The product
you're complaining about is only two years old, so if there was a report of
this bug, he would have seen it. So would I...
Bob was on the beta test for the product. So was I. I never saw it there.
I have a very hazy memory that the bug might have been seen in the first
beta version of the product that was made available to some testers. Are
you running a stolen beta copy, by any chance?
We have the ability to search the Microsoft Connect bug database for bugs.
So do you, if you create an account. It's not listed there.
Chances are Bob asked one of the Microsoft engineers who CURRENTLY work for
Microsoft, before posting: it's just an email. It's not the "newly
released" products we struggle with ‹ we often get more information than an
engineer working on them (because of the way the software teams are
structured, we see the whole product, an engineer sees only the bit he or
she is working on).
So, I would be inclined to take Bob's word for it
I just tested here to make sure: the AutoRecover files location has no
effect on the location of the backup files. They are written to the folder
that contains the original, regardless of the setting of that location.
The only thing I can imagine that would cause this problem would be if you
have somehow locked yourself out of your System /Temp folder. That's where
Word puts its temp and autorecover files. I've never seen it but I could
imagine that if it could not write to the system temp, it may put the files
in the User's desktop. I have not managed to provoke this behaviour here.
Yes, all non-trivial software has some bugs in it. "Filled with bugs" is a
bit hyperbolic, but there are known bugs in Word 2008. This is not one of

Microsoft has several gigabytes of support documentation on its
servers, many of which state that they were written to work around a problem
in one of its products. I think only a person who was unable to read,
listen, or see, could claim that the corporation was "hiding" the fact that
some of their products have bugs
Microsoft Word for the Mac has about six thousand man-years development in
it. If you can find another product that gets within a quarter of that
number, please tell ME which one it is
You have a nice day, now...
To whom it may concern:
1) I've gone through the maneuvers you suggested. None of them
made any difference; backup files still appear on the desktop. They
all have "docx" appended to them.
Therefore, I've turned off the "backup" Preference, obviating
the problem.
2) This web page describes itself as all-volunteer. Why,
therefore, do you speak on behalf of Microsoft? "Yours is the only
I've seen of any such behavior in the time 2008 has been on the
market. Nor were there any reports of the sort during the beta
testing. I'm fairly
certain that the problem is specific to your local installation - it's
just a matter of determining the cause & getting it resolved."
How would you know? If you're truly only a volunteer, there
must obviously be plenty of information you don't know about newly-
released Microsoft products - not that there would be any shame in
There are other Microsoft product help pages. They do report
problems similar to the one I experienced.
3) A former Microsoft engineer told me that all existing software,
most certainly including Microsoft products, is "filled with bugs."
Why pretend otherwise? Who could believe otherwise with a straight
4) I'm looking into other other word processing programs, including
open source programs. I suspect more work has gone into them than into
equivalent Microsoft products for the Mac.
- Mark
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John McGhie, Microsoft MVP, Word and Word:Mac
Sydney, Australia. mailto:
[email protected]